MARS 1001
Suitable for school years 4-6, 7-12 / Adults / Families
Film length: 30 mins
The first men and women to travel to Mars are alive and amongst us today.
The return trip to Mars will last just under three years.
Imagine the near future and follow well-known science journalist Miles O'Brien as he covers humanity's first great 1,001-day adventure.
The crew of the IRIS 1 encounter dangers along the way, including a solar coronal mass ejection. We witness the international team of three men and three women living and working together, braving the unknown, as they attempt to put the first human footprints on the Red Planet.
What feelings will the first astronauts to Mars experience and what thoughts will be foremost on their minds?
MARS One Thousand One is a stunning film that brings home the reality of manned Mars exploration, the greatest engineering feat ever to be attempted. The film is set just far enough into the future to seem real, yet with science-fictional touches to indicate it's still a little way off.
Experience the story we all hope to witness in our lifetimes: the first journey to the Red Planet.
“All I know is that each time I watch it I am moved more and more. I think my core message is that this show captures the emotions of going to Mars and travelling in space. Very well done” – Jason Archer, Glastonburry Planetarium, CT, USA
“Quite frankly, it was one of the best planetarium shows I have seen in the 46 years I have been in the Planetarium Field” – Steve Russo, Director at East Kentucky Science Center and Planetarium.
Educator Guide can be found here
Educator Guide Key can be found here